What’s a tour?

Every few months Perk & Provision will pick a food to “specialize” in, like ramen or tacos. It is essentially a hunt for the very best of that type of food in the city. Tours will update once a month and culminate in a “Best Of” post. 

Do you cover cities other than Chicago?

As we do not have a staff and all leg work is done by, well, me - not at this time. I will try to cover any travels going forward but will mostly be in review format vs. compilation format. 

I have a recommendation for you - where can I do that?

Anywhere! Feel free to contact us via our contact page or any form of social media. If you recommend it, we will try to go!


I disagree with one of your reviews!

Great! Maybe I ordered wrong or it was a bad day! If you think I should re-review something , feel free to contact us!

I need a recommendation that you don’t have a page for yet

Please, contact us, with any requests. We will answer promptly if we have a recommendation on the ready. If not, it may be the next tour that we do!

Can I join you on any food tours?

While, for safety, I won’t be posting real time but I want to see all of your adventures, too! Just throw #perknprovision on your posts! We’ll be sure to share the best of them on our social media platforms.